Luce Delauney

Personality: As fickle as the five winds Luce seemed to be able to switch from good natured to snotty and then to a sinister bent within the span of a heartbeat. Those are not the least of the personalities.
Power: The creation/manipulation/channeling of quintessential energy at a slow pace. If drawn directly from itself then Luce can channel faster but it has negative effects on its well being.
Samples of common uses: Ageless, minor superficial shape change, slow but enhanced and stable healing, giving infused items extra oomph.
Birthdefects/flaws: Hermaphrodite, birthmark and slitted eyes.
Skills: Due to the expanded lifespan of Luce it has seen fit to pick up numerous skills over its centuries. The most significant is the skill of Alchemy, a self proclaimed Solificati in the mystical arts of metaphysics. While without the sheer magical potential to cast spells Luce makes by with conjuring potions, tinctures, salves and other such things which have significant puissance once crafted. Though in todays age their worth is questionable given the level that technology has advanced to. Other skills of lesser note are as follows: various musical instruments, singing, dancing, social arts, tailoring attire, cooking, preparing drinks, torture, larceny, diplomacy, mimicry, pistol smithing, marksmanship, dueling, fencing, dodging, high society, subterfuge, more forms of academics and an assortment of languages. Many more skills have been learned over the years as well.
Known history: Luce when the mutant uprising came to an end was one of those who surfaced and revealed their own somewhat limited powers and merged into society. A young individual that was commonly thought to be male took the road of high society and more specifically fashion. Having an old styled manner of fashion that comes from his Old World heritage Luce moved to the capital of the new Empire and flurished. Open minded with questionable and occasionally deviant sexuality Luce recently has retreated from the fashion circuit to open up a nightclub known as Heaven and Earth, most commonly able to be located on the bottom floor of the club known as Earth.